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The Du Pont Engagement
Murder Mystery
Around September 2023, I approached a group of student filmmakers at my old university, to offer historical advice and graphic design skills for their 1920s era murder mystery film.
Unfortunately, due to budgetary issues, aside some dialogue alterations, none of my advising work made it into the final film.
Instead I created a whole range of period ephemeral props for the production from letters to billheads, warrant cards to British army maps of Mormal Forest, circa 1918.
Sadly, as is often the case, hardly any of it actually made into the final film, but is shown here to illustrate my skillset.

The replica maps of The Forêt De Mormal, and a period tobacco box of wartime memories for the character of Harry Du Pont. Sadly this never even made it to set, after cuts to the story made them superflous.

One of the few props to make it on screen - The 'hero' warrant card made for Detective Chief Inspector Wright...given (in a great continuity error!) to Detective Sergeant McDonough!
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